Monday 27 February 2017

Mace Soldier of Legend of Abhimanyu

Mace Soldiers are the terror of this 3d Action Adventure Mobile Game, They are the product of years of training under the most difficult circumstances. Just before the onset of any war, the Mace Soldiers are equipped with Lava based armour covering their body which represents a cruel kind of torture. The Mace soldiers unleash fearsome attacks on their enemies by burning the skin and crushing the bones into ashes. As a result of intense indoctrination, he is the most incoherent and most vicious selfdom of the LoA

Wednesday 22 February 2017


Legend of Abhimanyu an upcoming 3D Mobile Game released their another In-Game engine footage on your YouTube channel. The video features all the 5 bosses of the game along with their combat qualities.


The video will raise the level of excitement, curiosity, and thrill among the gamers. Enjoy the video and watch till the end for an adrenaline rush.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

The Pitch — LOA (Legend of Abhimanyu)

Legend of Abhimanyu — LoA is the first ever 3D mobile game developed on Unity 3D platform based on the great Indian epic of Mahabharata. The game is centered on the 13th day of this mother of all wars, picked specifically to portray the essence of one of the greatest battles in the history of India fueled by the fierce pride of two warring clans.
This pioneering concept for the iOS platform is built to offer a unique experience of Melee combat, archery systems and chariot gameplay.
LoA is an attempt to create a new genre based on scripts of the epic featuring uniquely created puzzles that will take you through the mysteries of Chakravyuha. Chakravyuha is one of the most complex forms of coupled military formations called “Vyuhas”. These military formations were extremely hard to penetrate and even more difficult to break out of, due to the internal structure formed by cleverly placed soldiers and other warfare artifacts. This game depicts various types of Vyuhas. Contemporary Indian art styles have been created specifically to simulate the epic’s environment. LoA also thrives on creating awareness about the epic through cinematic themes. LoA features a stunning original soundtrack that will set the perfect stage for an epic battle of that era.

The Story — LOA

Abhimanyu was one of the most important characters of the epic. Abhimanyu triggered events resulting in the killing of great warriors from Kaurva’s clan. An unparalleled archer, and son of the greatest archer Arjun, Abhimanyu was only a 16-year-old when he set foot on the battlefield and subsequently entered the most complicated air-tight military formation of The Chakravyuha — all by himself!
The power of main antagonists Guru Drona, Aswathama, Karna, Dussasana and Duryodhana has been inspired by five main elements: Lightning, Water, Fire, Earth and Air. To support these powerful antagonists, we created a different class of warriors namely Archers, Sword Soldiers, Spear Soldiers, Sword Generals and Mace Soldiers. With the use of these elements and warriors, the composition of the game is being divided into many different levels with a variety of different puzzles and mazes to bring forth our rendition of Chakravyuha like battlefield formations.

What is so exciting about the LOA?

  • Gamers will witness console experience on mobile devices
  • First of its kind experience for archery on chariot along with melee combat
  • Three-in-One Weapon System for Main Character (Abhimanyu)
  • Character design based on Indian contemporary art style
  • Mesmerizing soundtrack to take user back in the era of this epic
  • Rendering of more than 1000 characters per scene to create realistic battle situations
  • Boss enemies are equipped with special powers to create a bone-chilling experience
  • First mobile game to depict gamified version of the great Indian ancient military formation called “Chakravyuha”

How did this Journey start for Indie Developers?

Legend of Abhimanyu is the product of ACY Entertainment and we are an Indie Game Development Company based out of Noida, India. We have been working on the ideas related to Indian mythology based topics for the last couple of years with a vision to create quality, fun, innovation and originality in all of our games. With the motive of creating beautifully crafted games we aim to give the world an unforgettable experience in visually impressive ways.
We started working on the design of LOA last year in August 2015 and started building up the team in parallel and it took us about 3–4 months to have the team in place to realise our vision.
Know more about ACY by paying us a visit on the following
The Challenges
We faced several roadblocks right from ideation to execution; we will share a separate retrospect blog as soon as we release this game.
Let me get the focus back on the creation challenges. The challenge behind creating LoA is how to recreate well known Indian Mythological characters that are already familiar to Indian Audience through zillions of years of history, art and literature. We have to put all these in-game perspective and may be if it is appropriate — I would use the word “gamify”. We have spent months in research, checked several AAA titles, talked to lots of known developers to get the understanding of what global audience expect and how could we use Indian contemporary art to create satisfying awesome AAA art and gameplay for World Wide (WW) launch. We promise to share another blog on the exploration work we went through before we finalized the characters of LoA.
The other bigger challenge was to create Chakravyuha on the mobile device. Chakravyuha means “Rotating wheel”. it’s the formation where soldiers are arranged in a way to trap and confuse the enemy after cleverly drawing him in. The numbers have to be huge and they all should animate to create Chakravyuha and related war scenes. Another forthcoming blog on tech & design side on how we overcome the problems of rendering more than 1000 characters on the mobile device is also in the making.
Here is the digital presence of LOA
That’s all for this blog! Enjoyed the first gameplay trailer of Legend of Abhimanyu.

Thursday 2 February 2017

Introducing Character Pipeline Legend of Abhimanyu 3D Mobile Game

Legendof Abhimanyu is an upcoming 3d mobile game based on the epic story of Mahabharata. An Indian Mythology based game, LoA mobile game required a lot of research while designing the character that could appeal the international gaming audience while keeping the essence of the era intact.

Find below Abhimanyu and other game bosses character 3D pipeline:
                                         Abhimanyu Exploration

                                    Abhimanyu  3D Model                            

Abhimanyu Character Architecture    

Final Outcome of Abhimanyu 

                                            Duryodhana 3D Model

  Duryodhana Character Architecture 

                                                   Final Outcome of Duryodhana

  Duryodhana with his Weapons

                                       Sword/Bow Design

                                 Abhimanyu Weapon Exploration

Sunday 29 January 2017

Duryodhana — One of the prime characters of LoA Game

Duryodhana is one of the prime characters of the epic Mahabharata. He was the eldest of the 100 Kauravas brothers, the eldest son of blind king Dhritarashtra and Queen Gandhari.
Duryodhana is derived from two words — dur and yodhana where dur means ‘difficult or unconquerable’ and yodhana means ‘warrior’ meaning of his name ‘unconquerable warrior’.
Duryodhana’s evil deeds were supported by 2 warriors from the Kaurava clan, his closest friend Karna and his younger brother Dussasana who along with Duryodhana performed various evil activities against the 5 Pandav brothers with a motive to eradicate them and become the sole king of Hastinapur.
In Legend of Abhimanyu, Duryodhana is the mightiest warrior to fight with. His primary power is Air using which he creates tornados to defeat the opponent. He also inherits the power of earth, water, lightning and fire from the other warriors thus making him the most powerful and difficult warrior to fight with.

Monday 23 January 2017